Motoya Pancake Ristorante in Yokohama

MakiDecember 3, 2009

Motoya. Pancake Ristorante is a tasty pancake restaurant in Yokohama.  It is a Cafe-like shop with concrete walls, white wood, and big windows, who serve tasty pancake meals which fill you nicely.  (We were disappointed by their house coffee, which has dark coffee color but no taste or aroma at all.)  Weekday midday, there are many young moms and their "littles", and a person or two with his/her dog. My favorite meal is Crispy Pancake Sandwich with Tuna.  Use MM line's Motomachi/Chinatown Station (I believe Exit 4) is the closest.





~:+:~ ~:+:~ ~:+:~ ~:+:~ ~:+:~
Motoya Pancake Ristrante Store Frontモトヤ. パンケーキ リストランテ は横浜にあるおいしいパンケーキのお店。コンクリートうちっぱなし+白いウッド+ガラスを基調としたお店。カフェのような感じですが、パンケーキをメインとしたしっかりとしたお食事がいただけます。とってもおなかいっぱいになります。(ハウスコーヒーにはがっかりしました。コーヒー色したお湯のようです。)平日のデイタイムはお子様連れのママたち、わんちゃんを連れてのんびりする方たちを見かけます。わたしのおすすめはクリスピー パンケーキ サンドイッチ(ツナ)です。みなとみらい線の元町中華街(出口4)がいちばん近いと思います。







February 1, 2010
Ive heard this place serves real good pancakes and always wanted to check it out. Take us there!!
February 5, 2010
Definitely!  I do tend to like to get my pancake fix on occasion, and this place makes some of the very best.  Better than those I've tried in the states actually!

So come on down and lets go!
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